This is the 111th in an ongoing series aimed at providing the overworked DM with ready-to-run encounters.

The PCs encounter Sand Bones, a cursed soul bound to its sand buried bones. Will the PCs survive or get washed away like a sandcastle in the waves?

It includes a history/background for the encounter, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. As a single Sand Bones is CR 3, this encounter is suitable for parties of level 3 or higher.


The encounter includes:

  • History/Background for the encounter.
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monster
  • Color Map
  • NPC/Monster Stats


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid).
  • Word file of the encounter.
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity Module.
  • Images
  • Maps

Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild.