
These are the adventures I have written for D&D 5e. The links go to Dungeon Master’s Guild.


Rel Series

These adventures are part of the Rel (R) Campaign series. They can also be run as standalone adventures. The series has been completed with R16: Karathyl. 

R1 Road to Rel

R2 Town of Rel

R3 Rukel Manor

R4 Reddle Creek

R5 Grim Forest

R6 House of Ooze

R7 Cirque Du Necro

R8 Grain Death

R9 Sebek’s Mine

R10 Grem Tor

R11 Whispers of the Serpent

R12 The Great Spire 

R13 Rukel Mansion

R14 Garmesh’s Swamp 

R15 Nightmare of the D’Aroine: Legacy of Blood

R16 Karathyl


Karabeth Series

These adventures are part of the Karabeth (K) series. They can also be run as standalone adventures.

K1 Trip to Town

K1.5 Where the Dead Speak

K2 Lelathon Village


One Shot Adventures

These are standalone, one-shot adventures that can be fit into almost any campaign.

Arrogo’s Tomb


Broken Mine 5E

Dragon Hunt

Tower of Zakelana