This is the fifteenth adventure in the R series, taking place after R14: Garmesh’s Swamp. It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs face a nightmare of the D’Aroine: a legacy of blood from a failed attempt to avert their extinction.

This adventure also provides an optional backstory tie-in for a PC.

It includes a history/background for the adventure, encounters, maps, and NPC stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the adventure, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 12-16.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • Encounters

The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid)
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure



Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild


This is the fourteenth adventure in the R series, taking place after R13: Rukel Mansion. It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs face the unexpected consequences of destroying the lich Valyssa-Teth. Her presence had kept the black dragon Garmesh in hiding, plotting his revenge for the destruction of his mother by Jalesha and Valyssa-Teth. Though denied his revenge, Garmesh sees the subjugation of Rel as a consolation prize. Will the PCs emerge as dragon slayers or dragon slain?

It includes a history/background for the adventure, encounters, maps, and NPC stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the adventure, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 9-14.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • Encounters
  • New Magic Items

The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid)
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure


Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild


This royalty free map collection contains 55 free color maps including ships, swamps, a prison, ruins, and a fortification.

The maps are divided into versions with grids and those without.

The PDF displays the maps in the collection and each map is included as an individual JPEG file.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,

Legal Information

You may reduce, enlarge, re-label, crop, or color the maps. The creator’s name (“Michael LaBossiere”) must be included in the final published maps if it appears in the original maps. You may not resell these maps. If you use this image in a publication (digital, print or otherwise) you must include this statement:

“Some maps copyright Michael LaBossiere, used with permission.”


Available on Dungeon Masters Guild


This is the thirteenth adventure in the R series, taking place after R12: The Great Spire. It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs confront Edina, the Chosen of Narsesux, and her tyrannical rule over Rel. But to even reach Edina, they must first defeat the lich Valyssa-Teth and destroy her soul jar. Will the PCs live free or die?

It includes a history/background for the adventure, encounters, maps, and NPC stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the adventure, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 8-12.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • Encounters
  • New Magic Items

The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid)
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure

Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild



This is the 12th  adventure in the R series, taking place after R11: Whispers of the Serpent. It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs enter the Great Spire, the tomb of the D’Aroine wizard Draoi Crann. At the command of Narsesux, the lich Valyssa-Teth has arisen to serve the will of his chosen one, Edina. The fate of Rel lies in the PCs hands as they must secure a Sacrificial Orb, said to be entombed with Draoi Crann, to have any hope of defeating the lich.

While not malicious, the builders of the spire wanted no one to disturb the eternal rest of Draoi Crann. To ensure her peace, the spire is protected by unsleeping guardians and deadly traps. Will the PCs secure the orb, or will their sacrifice be in vain?

The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the adventure and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 8-12

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,



The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • Encounters
  • New Magic Items
  • The Semi-Lich option for PCs

The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid)
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure



R12: The Great Spire on Dungeon Master’s Guild

Players, do you dream of becoming a lich but find that the consumption of souls is a bit much? Or does your wise DM point out that a PC lich would unbalance the game and be unfair to PCs burdened with mere life?  Your dream can now become reality as you master the Rilan Nexus and become a semi-lich! Some restrictions might apply, not legal in all realities.


PC necromancers often dream of becoming liches but allowing this can create problems in a campaign involving issues of fairness and balance. The semi-lich was created to allow a PC to make a slow transition towards undeath without being unbalanced or unfair to other players.

This sourcebook adds the Rilan Reborn lineage for PCs who want an undead style character as well as the mechanism by which a PC can gradually replace their positive energy with negative energy and become a Master of the Rilan Nexus or, as they are derogatorily called by true liches, a semi-lich.

The semi-lich is designed to be fair and balanced by connecting the semi-lich abilities to a special magic item, the Rilan Nexus, that uses an attunement slot. The semi-lich can also be modified to fit the balance needs of specific campaigns.

A player version of the PDF is included, allowing the DM to share the mechanics without giving away the history of the semi-lich.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


Semi-Lich on Dungeon Masters Guild



This is the 114th in an ongoing series aimed at providing the overworked DM with ready-to-run encounters.

The PCs encounter marauding sahuagin led by a shark devil and a wereshark. Will the PCs triumph or will this be their last week with the sharks?

It includes a history/background for the encounter, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file.

A shark devil is CR 9, a sahuagin wereshark is CR 4 and normal sahuagins are CR ½, allowing the encounter to be modified for a range of challenges.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The encounter includes:

  • History/Background for the encounter.
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monsters
  • Color Map(s)
  • NPC Stats


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Word file of the encounter.
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity Module.
  • Images
  • Map(s)–Wereshark


This is the eleventh adventure in the R series, taking place after R10 Grem Tor. It takes place in the town of Rel which is detailed in R2 Town of Rel. The essential maps and stats from R2 are included in this adventure allowing it to be run without R2.

It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs fight against the corrupting disinformation whispered by the bards of serpent’s tongue. They also team up with unlikely allies to save the Temple of Asmodeus in Rel from a greater evil.

The adventure includes the history/background, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the adventure, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 6-11.

The adventure also includes the bard subclass The College of the Serpent’s Tongue.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • Encounters
  • New Magic Items
  • College of the Serpent’s Tongue Bard Subclass

The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid)
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure



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